Tim Jemal Posts

  • Dept. of Labor to Award $100 Million in Grants Supporting STEM

    Jan 2, 2014, 20:54 PM by Tim Jemal
    This guest blog entry was contributed by Tim Jemal, CEO of Jemal Public Affairs. The U.S. Department of Labor recently announced that it will award approximately $100 million in grant funding, divided among 30 to 40 recipients, to support education and training in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) industries. The grant funding comes from user fees paid by employers to hire workers in the H-1B visa category. According to the Seattle Times, since 2001, nearly $1 billion from H1-B fe ...
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  • CompTIA, TechVoice Successfully Advocate for Repeal of Retroactive Taxes on California Businesses

    Oct 9, 2013, 20:04 PM by Tim Jemal
    This guest blog entry was contributed by Tim Jemal, CEO of Jemal Public Affairs. Last week, California Governor Jerry Brown signed a law repealing a $120 million retroactive income tax increase on about 2,500 small business owners and investors. CompTIA, TechVoice and the Orange County Tech Alliance joined with a coalition of trade associations and businesses to oppose the unjust levy on investors who followed a 1993 California law providing a 50 percent cut in capital gains taxes on certain in- ...
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  • TechVoice Southern California Reception a Success

    Sep 13, 2013, 16:00 PM by Tim Jemal
    This guest blog entry was contributed by Tim Jemal, CEO of Jemal Public Affairs. Over 100 technology executives, entrepreneurs, capital access providers and academia gathered on September 10 in southern California for the first Annual TechVoice Mixer and Networking event. Set atop the spectacular Hyundai Capital Building Rooftop Garden overlooking Orange County, attendees had an opportunity to network with peers and potential business partners in a relaxed setting under the stars. The event was ...
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